Motorcycle Repair: TS185J crankcase oil., crankcase oil, motorcycle oil

I have just inherated a TS185J Suzuki, (1972 or 73 I think), and have it almost ready to run. I need to know what type of oil to use in the gearbox/crankcase and what spark-plug type/number to use please?


these bikes had a short reach spark plug
and then later models had a longer plug thread.
I believe an NGK B7HS was standard with
an optional B8HS. The B7HS is a hotter plug
so if you ride hard you might want to start
with a B8HS plug to prevent any piston holes.
If the plug looks too black later on,
you can switch to the B7HS.
The later (79-85) bikes with the longer thread use a BP7ES plug.

-use a good 10W40 motorcycle oil in the transmission
with no other additives that might cause
clutch slip.