Motorcycle Repair: Electronic ignition for 75 CB360?, cb360, stock ignition

I emailed to Newtronics about getting an ignition kit for my CB360, and I was told that the Newtronics company has recently been sold; and the new company is in the process of getting set up and not yet selling kits.  Is there any other source for electronic ignition for the 360?  

Check with
and see if their GL1000 plate will work on twins.

360s are somewhat similar to the 350s, but I am not sure if the kits are interchangeable or not. Try the site and contact people who are racing 350s to see if there are other suggestions.

Properly setup, the stock ignition works fine for street applications, other than needing a bit of cleaning and adjustment every 4-5k miles. Just be sure that the spark advancer is working properly before you adjust the points and timing.

Not a lot of people are doing much with 360s, as far as improving performance, so there isn't much incentive for manufacturers to tool up for these applications. I did find this listing for a 350 unit that my friend makes for our 250-305s.

You will have to supply all the dimensions of your parts to see if they will interchange. They are more expensive, due to the fact that each is handmade.

Bill Silver