Nissan Repair: 87 Nissan Maxima VG30E Timing Belt, Water pump, gasket


I am installing an OEM timing belt on the above vehicle.  I have used the revised procedure from Nissan TSB to tension the belt with 13-15mm deflection between the cams with a 22 lb force. I repeated this threes time.  Everything looks fine except the tensioner "clock position" is not a the 5:30 as recommend by diy, it is  more like 6:30 -6:45.  From what I read  5:30 position is correct 95% of the time.  I did a t-belt on this vehicle five years ago with an aftermarket belt and the tensioner is very close to the same 6:30 position and no problems.  I thought I would double check - do I need to set the tension again at 5:30?

ANSWER: No sir! I wouldn't worry about the "clock" position of the tensioner pulley. However, you can insert a 0.35mm-0.0138in feeler gauge between the tensioner and the timing belt. Then turn the crank pulley clockwise slowly and the feeler gauge should travel up between the 2. Tight the nut right at that point while you are holding the pulley steady with the Allen wrench. Continue turning the crank to free the gauge. If the belt is over tighten, it will simply whine loudly. That's all.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Bill, Thanks for the quick response.  The belt tensioning worked great and the car fired up an ran great. Unfortunately it looks like the new water pump gasket leaked and coolant probably the new Nissan OEM belt. I haven't broken it down yet to see, but coolant is coming from the crank.

Do I have to replace the new timing belt after I fix the leak?  I know coolant is bad for belts, but of course it will only  be on the belt a day or two.

I have never had a water pump gasket leak before using gasket and silicone sealer.  I used  Permatex Ultra Grey on both sides of the gasket and followed the mfr directions.  I see Nissan recommends gasket maker only, but I have never trusted it. Well, now I question silicon and gasket method.



Nissan Repair: 87 Nissan Maxima VG30E  Timing Belt, Water pump, gasket
Tighten Sequence  
You're welcome. I take it this is a new water pump. I use Permatex 1 fast drying-hard setting, to bond the new gasket to the pump. After is set, I use Permatex 2 which is pliable, on the on the other side of the gasket. I don't like using silicone and blue or black RTV's. Now, the important part: I snug all the pump bolts, (I believe they are six on your engine) following a sequence. Then I tighten all the bolts to the specified torque, following the same sequence. I drew an image for an example. That's important because we do not want the water pump to warp and leak! After the installation is completed, rinse the engine block around the pump with some clean water using a bucket or a garden hose, to rid of the coolant. The timing belt will be fine but if it makes you feel better, install a new one, they are inexpensive :)