Nissan Repair: Nissan Largo Idle speed, nissan largo, throttle plate

I would like to slightly increase the idle speed on my 1996 Nissan Largo SX-G diesel due to a recurring stalling problem when dropping into gear or turning the wheel when stationery. I guess the ECU controls this. Is there any adjustment possible please?


The idle speed cannot be adjusted in the traditional sense.  You cannot just increase the idle on the throttle body.  However, you should have an idle speed solenoid that adjusts the idle.  This is getting slow or out of adjustment.  Look on the throttle body and you should see a plunger that the throttle plate stop rests against.  This solenoid is the adjustment.  Now, if this does not work send me a photograph and I will see how to perform the increase in idle.  We do not have your particular engine in the United States so the aforementioned is supposition on my part.  But, generally that is how they are designed.  I would love to have a Largo overhere with a diesel but the government restricts them being imported.