Nissan Repair: 96 Nissan Sentra not starting, crankshaft position sensor, nissan sentra

I'm getting a no start problem with my 96 Nissan Sentra GXE.
It's had a problem that if its started in the cold and turned off without warming up it won't start up again until it's warm out. But now it hasn't started for almost a month. I've replaced the distributor after the old part failed to to charge, but it still won't start. It turns over like its going to start but just makes noise, We've tried jumping it multiple times and we're now thinking it may be the camshaft or crankshaft position sensor but i have no idea where that is. ha if someone could help that would be awesome!!!! Please and Thank You.

Hi Mike -

When you say it turns over like it is going to start but just makes noise, I assume the starter is cranking the engine? Or does it just click?

If the starter is turning, you need to check the spark. Try this test - remove a spark plug boot, insert a screwdriver until it wedges against the metal terminal inside firmly. Hold the screwdriver shaft about 1/4" away from any metal surface of the engine while a helper tries to start the car (do not touch any metal surface while doing this). There should be a spark jumping between surfaces. If not, you problem is electrical, so check the installation of the distributor, cap, and rotor, wires, coils, and connections to those components.

If there is spark, most likely it is your fuel pump. Check that for volume and pressure.

Hope this helps -