Nissan Repair: shifter problem, neutral safety switch, shift linkage

i had asked a question previously about my car not starting in Park but will start inbetween reverse and neutral, and drive is inbetween neutral and drive.  i was told that under neath the car is the linkage that is a rod but need to know how to realign it cause im doing it on my own, thank you


I do not know the year or model of your car.  But, it is the neutral safety switch that is either out of adjustment like the bushing on the shift linkage, at the transmission, being worn out or the neutral safety switch itself needs to be replaced.  Get a Haynes Manual and it will describe how to adjust it and if it needs replacement it will show you how to do that too., or the like are good sources to get the part for much less than the dealer.  This is a dealer item or it will have to be ordered if it is bad.