Nissan Repair: Crank Pully, crank pulley, sparkplug

I have a 99 quest, and I need to set tdc, all the books say the crank pulley has 5 marks buy mine has 7, and I have no idea what mark to set it on. . the crank pulley has no other markings . .


Pull number 1 sparkplug and have someone bump the engine over, with the ignition key, until air starts blowing out the sparkplug hole.  Have them stop.  Basically, you say bump it and they flick the key to get the engine to turn a little.  Now, once air starts coming out of the hole, use your finger to determine the air coming out.  Connect the sparkplug to the connection and sit it on the engine so it has a ground.  The hole will not hurt your finger.  Now, that air starts blowing you should be able to pull the distributor cap and look at the rotor and the marks and you will see number one come up.  By, the way, the center mark should be number 1 as in |||I|||.  Need more email me back.