Nissan Repair: 95 nissan pickup 3.0, crank pulley, timing belts

Would worn pulleys on timing belts,cause engine to keep coming out of time? just had timing belts replaced.Timing has been reset 4 times


If the timing belt is not a factory part or the idler tensioner pulley on the timing belt that could cause the engine to jump timing.  Yes, if the pulleys are really worn that could cause it too.  My bet is go with a factory timing belt and make sure to replace the idler tensioner pulley and if there is an idler pulley replace that too.  I say this because both have sealed bearings and if they are not replaced the bearing will start to make noise and in extreme cases will shell causing the belt to really jump and the engine to die.  Possible valve damage could result.  So, repalce the parts and be sure to follow the manual on tightening properly.  Run the belt around by using the crank pulley at least two times to make sure everything is working properly, after you tighten the belt and before you put all the covers back on.