Pontiac Repair: 1998 grand prix turbo charged, forward gears, blown fuse

Shift would not come out of park. took it to mechanic. He took apart console and disconnected wires. Then checked fuses and replaced one ten amp. At the same time the mechanic was changing fuse I sprayed WD-40 down the sleeve of shifter. when I turned car on the shifter worked. The mechanic claimed it was the fuse. He then put wires back together and console.
Now when you put car in drive it doesn't start moving until you get up to 15-20RPM's. Reverse kicks in normally. All forward gears wait until RPM is 15-20 to start moving.

Any help?

Hi Henry:
sounds like 2 different issues here. the not being able to get the car out of park is cuased usually by the shifter it's self oor the wire connector going into the shifter a breaks off the connetor. there is a set of switches in the base of the shifter that goes bad they control the BTSI brake trasnmission interlock and the key lock. pretty common issue Usually there is more of an issue with getting the key out of the ignition more so then not being able to get it out of park. It could also have an issuw with the brak lamp system "blown" fuse it the brake switch also controls the BTSI. As for no forward Doesn't sound good Is the trasnmissin fluid full and red looking or low and brown/black??? I'm not a transmission tech but if it's slips going into "D" if the fluid is full and it slips it's an internal trasnmission issue....  good luck :-}