Pontiac Repair: 2003 Sunfire Rear Lights, lamp sockets, interior lamps

QUESTION: My right signal light was flashing fast the other day which I thought
meant the rear light was burnt out. Then today the left started doing
the same. So I go the automotive shop and I start unplugging rear
lights but they're all working. So I'm thinking it may be the flasher
but it was too much and tomorrow's payday so I just went home. When I
got home in the parking lot I noticed I had no rear lights at all. I
now have no rear lights, no break lights (other than the middle one)
and no signal lights. Could this be a fuse problem ?

Any idea where I would find an owners manual online ?

ANSWER: Hey Kevin:

Yup this is a presst common issue with these cars. The sockets for the real tail lamp bulbs burn out and then make bad contact with the bulbs. There is actaullay a safety campaign for this issue I don't know if you car is involved in it or it has been done the campaign # is 04083 Campaign also means recall. give the dealer a call and give them the last 8 digits of the VIN# and then they can tell you if it's involved and if so if it was done before. If it has never been done it's a free repair for the bulbs and sockets. It may be something more that than that but doubtful. If the recall has been done before you on your own now. A recall is a 1 time only repair for free. Good luck :}

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Wow! Thanks for the quick answer. Would this also affect the lights on my panel. The lights that light up my speedometer etc isn't working either. I didn't notice this until tonight when I went to see if I could find the problem again. I bought this car brand new so I'm not aware of any recall. I will check into it. Thanks for the help

No the lights on the dash are different. They rae controlled by the parking lights and the interior lamps dimming fuse. Unless one of those tail lamp sockets shorted out and blew a fuse for the parking lights. There is no corilation between the 2 other than that.