Porsche Repair: 944 Cold starting problem, air filter assembly, air flow meter

Hi Dave i have a 1986 Porsche 944 lux - oval dash model.If the car is left for about a week unused, when starting cold it runs as if on two cyclinders very little power at all, after about half a mile it suddenly picks up as if on three then soon after it performs normally. The car will then operate perfectly the next day or even two or three. But if left again for 5 or more days the problem comes back. I have replaced all plugs and leads with no effect.

Hi Den,

While it could be several things, I would first check your air flow meter.  This  is called different things by different manufacturers, but basically there is a doorway and a door (probably looks like a flap) between the air filter assembly and the intake manifold.  This door is moved open when air enters and moves farther open when more air enters.  When it moves positions it sends signals to your computer telling it to match the fuel to the airflow.

Often, over time, this doorway becomes covered with grime and crud and gummy stuff...all acting to slow or stop the door's movement and interrupt it's primary job.  I suspect your door is riding in some crud that actually warms up and lessens its grip as the engine moves toward normal operating temp.  You can easily investigate this yourself...and clean up the area with a bit of patience.
