RV Repair: Sofa, tioga, furnace

I would like to replace the sofa in a 22' Tioga but can't get to the bolts.  One of them even seems to be under the furnace mechanisim.  Also, once I get it unbolted, assuming you can help me to understand how, how do I get it out of the coach and the new one in?  Thank you so much.  This is a 1991 22' Tioga.


If one of your bolts that holds your sofa in is indeed under the furnace then you will have to remove the furnace to access it.  Unfortunately when you try to put everything needed into a small unit like this there just isn't a lot of places to install the appliances and furniture.  As far as getting the old one out and the new one in it may be necessary to remove a window or the entrance door to get a big enough access hole.  Some sofas unbolt into two sections to make this a little easier.  This probably isn't much help but without seeing this I really can't give you any better answers.
