Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): kawasaki engine, kawasaki engine, ketchup bottle

Hey Eric ,                                                                                                                               I have kawasaki engine on a power sprayer that keeps shutting off after one minute. Checked fuel system and seems ok, thinking maybe ignition. Took ignition coil off + is there any way to test.  

What is the engine model number?  Is you ignition module a one piece unit or do you have an ignition coil and an exciter module?

Did you replace the spark plug?  Do you have spark when the engine stops?
Is the air filter easy to access/remove?  If so, you can use some fuel or fuel/oil mix directly placed in the carb when the engine stops.  If the engine start as soon as the fuel is provided then you know you have a fuel problme and the ignition is good.  I use an old dinner style ketchup bottle with the long tapered tip to deliver fuel to the carb.  I never keep very much fuel in the bottle.
