Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): F525 not starting, soleniod, ohm meter

I have a JD F525 which has decided not to kickover on start. Any idea where to start or where I can find wiring diagrams ?

I always start by ensuring the battery is fully charged, dis-connecting and cleaning the battery terminals and cable ends with a wire brush.

Next I use a voltmeter and check the exciter wire on the soleniod.  This is the small wire that receives 12 volts DC when you turn the key to the start position.  If no voltage is present then usually there is a safety switch that is not working correctly or the main fuse is blown.

Either case, I start at the key switch and trace each wire by hand to the safety switches, disconnect the switch and check with an ohm meter.  Many times just disconnecting and reconnecting the switch cleans the connection fixing the problem.  There should be at least three safety switches, seat, deck and transmission/clutch.

Let me know if this helps.