Small Engines (Lawn Mowers, etc.): rider mower problem, flood damage, solinoid

      I have a Sears 10hp rider mower with a Tecunsech engine. This mower suffered flood damage and I am endevouring to repair it
   I have put in a new ignition switch..a new solinoid..and a new carburetor..and decarbonised.
   I have spark and fuel flow.The engine turns over ok....but dead   Ive even taken the inlet manifold off to look for any obstruction
   Any advise to get this problem cleaned up would be appreciated.
         Thanking you      L.Cole

Hi Lionel,

An engine needs 3 things to run: Spark, fuel and compression.

The spark must be strong and timed.

The fuel fresh, clean and in the proper amount, mixed with air.   
Both must be getting to the engine!

The compression at least at 75 PSI.  

Let me know what you find,