Toyota Repair: 2002 Toyota Highlander ckeck engine and VSC warning light, yaw rate sensor, toyota highlander

QUESTION: The check engine light and VSC warning lights appeared on my 2002 Toyota Highlander Limited AWD.  I took my vehicle to my mechanic and he ran a diagnostic that indicated my thermostat was faulty.  That has been replaced the check engine light has been reset and now the VSC light remains on.  I read in another posting you made regarding this dual warning, that a check engine light will disable the VSC.  If that is true how do you enable a VSC after repairing the check engine issue.

ANSWER: It depends what the trouble code in the vsc system is, sometimes one of the sensors like the deceleration or yaw rate sensor may have to be recalibrated after the check engine light is fixed. Can you have it scanned and let me know what the codes are?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I finally was able to get into my mechanic and the code for the VSC light is C1336. This is the info he gave me: The zero point of yaw rate sensor undone.
Output value of yaw rate sensor -128 degree
Zero point value of yaw rate sensor -1 degree
There is no clearing out the light and staying that way.  The code C1336 continues to come up and the yaw rate will not zero out.  My mechanic says with some checking he would probably be able to determine if I needed a skid control module ($1450.00), a yaw rate sensor ($196.81) or a deceleration sensor ($716.43).  He also said I could just allow the VSC light to remain on, accepting that operating the vehicle without it is what people have done for years.  He assured me that the ABS was working fine.  My mechanic said nothing about recalibrating the sensors, only replacing.  How would he recalibrate them?  Lastly, if I did not repair a failed VSC system, would it affect my AWD?

There is a procedure outlined in the factory repair manual to recalibrate the abs/vsc yaw rate and deceleration sensor, I have done this many times, it will require connecting the dealer's techstream scantool, I wouldn't replace any parts, it may only cost you about $100 to have the dealer do this.