Toyota Repair: 1990 4runner air flow meter, air flow meter, sensor wires

QUESTION: Is the air floww meter the unit on top of my air box and if so it as a 6 wire connectorer wich two are the iat sensor wires

ANSWER: The wires are yellow/black and brown/black.Yes the air flow meter is the unit on top of the air filter.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi ted checked air flow meter and i dont have yellow/black wire. These are the colors i have from left to righ:brown,green/yellow, green/black, brown/black, yellow/bleu, yellow/green. Also do you know if the resistors they sell  that plug in to the iat really help gain power!!

I assumed it was a V-6 engine but you must have the 4 cylinder, in that case the wires are brn/blk and yel/grn. I don't really know if those things help, have no experience with them I don't even know the principle of how they are supposed to add power so I can't have an objective answer on that but if you have already bought one go ahead and install it and see if there is an improvement .