Toyota Repair: Fuel Filter, crows feet, oem filter

I decided to change the fuel filter on my 91 Camry (3s), as it is the original. I
have heard they can be a nightmare to do, resulting in twisted fuel lines. I
have gotten scared. Is this true? I bought the OEM filter.

With a good set of crows feet, and PB blaster, do you think I am still facing
problems, or should I just pay the dealer the labor to change it? If problems
set in, at least it is at the dealer. Your opinion?

Most of the time there is no problem removing the fitting on the bottom of the filter, in some cases they can be difficult to remove and may take some time to get off, in rare cases the threads will be damaged requiring the fuel line replacement, before doing anything else see if the bottom fuel line comes off without a struggle, if it starts to bind up retighten it and have the dealer take over but remember even if they run into this problem additional parts and labor will be involved, I say it's worth a try to do it yourself, there is a very good chance that there will be no problem.