Toyota Repair: changing timing belt in my 1995 toyota tercel dx, 1995 toyota tercel, toyota tercel

I need to get instructions and pictures if possible for me and my Husband to change my timing belt in my car.  I have tried to get a book from chiltons and haynes, they only go to 1994. For a tercel.  The timing belt that is on my car has 179,000 miles on it so, it is time for a change.  
       Thank you.

They make a book that specifically is for timing belts.
It is sold by Tool distributors. Mac Snap-on Etc.
Try your local bookstore, parts store or library.

Keep in mind a timing belt is not an easy do it yourself job.
By the time your car is down and the cost of the manual, you may want to consider shopping for a price to have it installed. No offense intended.
