Toyota Repair: 1996 Toyota p/u leak, timing chain, oil pump

Hello Ted, I hope you can help me out with a problem I am having with my 1996 Toyota p/u 22RE engine.  It is leaking oil from the timing chain seal.  To replace the seal; whould I have to take off the water pump and oil pump? Or can I take the whole timing chain cover off at one time? /
To replace the seal? and is it a good idea to replace the timing chain at the same time even though it seems to be working fine?  What do you recommend?  Many thanks in advance Dave

To replace the front oil pump seal the oil pump has to be removed and the seal and o-ring replaced, if the timing cover is not leaking at the gasket there is no need to replace the gasket or the chain at this time, if the timing cover is leaking it is advisable to replace the timing chain, gears and tensioner at the same time.