Triumph Repair: Triumph TR7, smog check, moss motors

QUESTION: I have had difficulty in getting my 1979 Triumph TR7 to pass a CA smog check. It has the dual stormberg carbs.
It fails the CO check. The mechanics say it's running to rich. No one so far has be able to adjust the CO to acceptable levels.  

Need help.

I am willing to do the repairs my self at this point.

Thank you.

ANSWER: Hi Hector,
CO is fuel mixture but you need to state what the CO was and what is the CA limit. It should be on the report sheet. If it is just out by a small amount you should try to adjust the needles with a 3mm Allen wrench down in the center of the oil after removing the top caps with the piston on the ends. If it is off a lot, check the coolant operated choke, they are prone to failure.
Other items to look at are float chamber venting
and broken diaphragms on the pistons.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Follow up. Unfortunately I don't have the report with me.
I'll have to go by my memory.
Limit, I think was about 2 and the reading I was getting for CO was about 8.3 to 9.

Thank you again.


ANSWER: Sounds more like a coolant operated choke problem. A common fault on that car.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I was able to find some illustrations on the choke mechanism and it seems as though the problem may be the the Thermostat bulb within the choke mechanism. That being said, I researched the part and found that it is no longer available or manufactured. If so, can the choking mechanism be by passed or is there a source for replacement that I was not able find.

Thank you again,


Try this first, Remove the bulb and you will see a pin goes into a socket to operate and take the choke to the off position. Most of the time wax in the bulb leaks out and as you say it is no longer available. Find a small ball bearing that just fits into the socket and then install the pin in on the ball. This will extend the life of the choke for a time. In the mean time check with Moss Motors for a complete choke conversion to a manual choke system. I think they use to have one.