UK Car Repair: MGB 1700 cc four cylinder engine, question thanks, cylinder engine

QUESTION: Hi, I just bought an NG replica of an MGB with an original 4 cylinder engine
and twin webber SU's.  Unfortunately on delivery the choke cable pulled free
from the connector.  I have replaced the cable but since have NOT been able
to get the engine to start.  Maybe the choke is not set properly.  All was
running fine before.  Can you give me any advice as to how to set up the
choke etc?  Will appreciate any help to get the wee car running again. Thanks
a lot.

ANSWER: I suspect the linkage zt the carb is not moving. To check the choke, have a friend operate it and look at what is moving. The outer cable has to be held securely in some kind of recess or with a clamp, so only the inner cable moves.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks william, The linkage to the carb is OK now as I replaced the solderless
nipple but I am not too sure if I have pushed the cable far enough on or not
there is no guidance as to this.  I am afraid that the choke is not being
activated.  Anyway so far the engine is making no attempt to fire up so I
began to think it is a problem with the Fuel getting through?  Would the
upsetting of the choke cause the engine to refuse to start?  This is a 1967
MGB engine but fully rebuilt and was running perfectly until the choke cable
pulled out.  I will be glad of any advice to get the thing to fire up.  There is oil
pressure OK when I crank her over. Thanks.

Yes, the choke could make the difference, especially if the carbs are set lean. You need to have someone help you adjust the cable as you need to see when the linkage starts to pull down the jets, it needs to be locked just before it starts to move the jets.  If you are by yourself, move the linkage by hand and you will see how it works, you can even jam the linkage open just to start the car.