Volvo Repair: 240 DL not starting in wet weather, bosch spark plug wires, bosch spark plug

I have a 89 240 and I recently went home for Thanksgiving(canada)and left the car for 4 days and it rained the whole time.  I've noticed in the rain it starts really hard.  Often lately I have to try it a couple of times especially in the rain.  When I came home last weekend it didn't start for two days.  Then it was sunny for a whole day...and I tried it and eureka it started hard,  but it ran for 5 minutes and has been running ever since like new.  I had another car before this one that did the same thing and it worked terrible in the rain.  But the 240 works great once it's started no trouble with actual driving.  My old car was a problem with the coil.  I'm not sure if this is the case with the 240.  Sorry for the novel.

Hello Andrew,

              I suggest that you purchase high quality spark plug wires...and coil wire too.
               If possible use Bosch spark plug wires...they'll last a long time.
                 Replace your coil with a Bosch coil.
                Replace the dist. cap and rotor with Bosch brand dist. cap.and rotor.
            Clean or replace the wiring connectors that attach to the coil.
               No , I don't have stock in Bosch industries
  but I have faith in the quality.
          Don't put cheap K-Mart or AutoZone parts in your car.
            They will often fail much sooner than their supposed long service claims.
                I know,I have often been disappointed with their service record....DON"T BUY CHEAP IGNITION PARTS.

                  Good luck,Andy
