Volvo Repair: 2000 S80 engine stop problems, leak fluid, resevoir

  I have 2000 S80 Turbo. Two month ago, My car got some noisy in front right side. Recently when I drive slow down in front of traffic light, sometime I got Check Engine light on and the engine stoped.
  I found that steering fluid level was low, so I filled more fluid. Then I found that after I drived the car and stoped a while and drive again, the noisy disappeared. But every morning when I drive, the noisy appeared again. At the mean time the engine almost no stop.
  Do you have any idea about these problems?
Thanks for your help

there are really many things that can cause the engine to stall or engine light to come would need to ne hooked to a diagnostic machine to see if there are trouble codes in it.this will help diagnose the problem.

as for the power steering there could be a leak at a hose on the pump or the resevoir they often leak fluid and then cause noise when fluid is low.