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Volkswagen: Car stalled after short distance, fuel delivery system, fuel tank

Volkswagen: Car stalled after short distance, fuel delivery system, fuel tank
1967 model
I owned a 1967 beetle. Things were running fine till some 3 months ago when the car kept stalling. Seemed like petrol could not flow easily to the carburetor. While driving, gradually could feel the lost in power and suddenly the engine just stopped. I learnt that it will tale some 20 minutes to cool the car  before I could restart the car and proceed on my journey.
I had the carburetor checked, stripped and clean as well as the fuel tank emptied and checked for the flow of petrol. Changed the coil as well as the ignition system. Still problem prevails. I personally think if the coil (I was told should not be heated up during drive) can maintain a low temperature not not heat up, it would be problem free. I may be wrong. My mechanic and I are at our wits end. Please advise. Thanks.

Hi Michael,

This sounds like a problem with the fuel delivery system.  I would first disconnect the line that leads to the fuel tank, and ensure that fuel runs fairly steadily out.  (use a coffee can to see if the fuel runs out).  Even though you had it cleaned out, there could be debris in the outflow.

Next, I would suspect your fuel pump.  It is most likely that you are not getting a strong flow of gas to the carb.  If your tank is clear, the next logical guess is the fuel pump or a clogged line, the latter being unlikely.

Good Luck and let me know how you make out.

