Tips on Buying Cars: Transmission worth it?, mileage transmission, great shape

Hi Webfoot, I have a 1991 Rodeo great shape engine rebuilt about 5,000 on it. Transmission was check out during oil change and told me it needed to be flused and new put in. Couldn't afford it at that time and low and behold 2 weeks and she acted up! Now, the ck trans light comes on and sometimes she moves and sometimes she don't. If the light is off she goes forward and reverse just in the yard and then the light comes on. No grinding noise at all. Just moves when light is off. Do I need a new transmission or would a minor repair be the answer.

I'm afriad that there is no way that anyone will know the answer to this question without looking at the vehicle.  The check engine light may be coming on for a variety of reasons, but one could be that the computer is reading an engine speed that doesn't correspond with the final drive or transmission speed because the transmission is slipping so bad.  

About the only "minor" problem that I can think of given the symptoms is that the fluid is low or the filter is clogged.  However if the vehicle has been driven with clogged filter, it's likely damaged to the point of needing an overhaul.  

As far as grinding, automatics rarely grind when they fail.

At this point on a vehicle that old, I'd try and find a good used, but lower mileage transmission if the servicing reveals further problems.  If the rest of the vehicle is in good shape and the engine is recent, selling it will likely just give someone else a great deal and then they'll put a used trans in anyway.

Good Luck and I'll appreciate your feedback!