Tips on Buying Cars: cooling off period, local tv stations, luck steve

I understand that used car dealers are not required to off the three day cooling off period, but what if they never provided us with there return policy?  We just bought a vehicle yesterday, took it to our mechanic and are not happy about it.  It's been paid in full.  What recourse do we have if any?  Thanks for your help.

Hi Marie,
sorry you are unhappy with your purchase. Your paper work should say as is, and no they do not have to warranty the vehicle, it depends how the contract is written. I would go back, with something in writing and ask them to check the items of concern. If they are reliable (you should have checked their BBB rating), they will probably be fair, but if they give you any real run around, i would tell them you are contacting the local tv stations consumer reporter because 1 day into a purchase you should not find out there are many issues. Please let me know how it goes! Good luck
