Tires: Tires, brand tires, speed rating

Is it okay to put two different brand tires on as long as everything else is the same?



Obviously the safest situation is to have 4 new tires on your vehicle.  The next safest thing is to have 2 new tires - and as a general rule, it's best to put them on the rear.

After that it's 2 new tires of the same brand, same type, but different pattern, followed by 2 new tires - different brand, same type.

Where most folks draw the line is where a different type of tire is used - speed rating, size, winter vs summer, etc.

As I said above, it's safest if all 4 are the same and the way to acjieve that is to have your tires regularly rotated.   This not only makes your car as safe as it can be, but also extends the life of your tires, saving you money.  Find a place that does rotations for free (sometimes included when tires are purchased.) and take advantage of the service.