What Does Hybrid Mean on a Car?

Many of the newest cars are being labeled as a "hybrid" car. If you are not sure what a hybrid means or advantages that comes with then you just need to look at the facts to get a better understanding of what you are getting into. Most hybrids are worth the value, but some merely use the name for an advantage.


  • The term hybrid means the use of two engines within the car. The first engine is a gas-powered engine and the second is an electric engine.


  • The gas-powered engine is used to charge the electric engine and battery packs stored in the trunk of the car. This means that the car never has to be plugged in.


  • With the use of the electric engine, many hybrid cars save money on gasoline because they perform better. Some cars have over 50 miles per gallon on average.


  • Some hybrid cars merely use the electric engine to increase speed and performance. This doesn't provide real benefit and you can get better mileage from standard gasoline vehicles.

Plug-In Hybrid

  • Newer hybrids are referred to as plug-in hybrids because along with the gas engine, they can be plugged in when not in use. This will cut down on gas and pollution in the environment.