How Do I Reschedule a New Jersey Road Test Online?

New Jersey residents must hold a current New Jersey driver's license to operate a vehicle in the state. The process to obtain a license includes a vision test, a written test to determine your knowledge of road safety and New Jersey law and a road test. The road test, on which a representative will accompany you, includes parallel parking, turning around, maneuvering the vehicle in reverse and adhering to the rules of the road. It is a 15 minute test and you can schedule a time to take it online. You can also reschedule a current test appointment online. Once you change your appointment, it can't be changed again for 24 hours.

  • Go online, and navigate to the State of New Jersey website:

  • Locate the blue horizontal navigation bar in the upper portion of the page. Click on "Transportation and Motor Vehicles."

  • Click on "Vehicles, Licensing, Registration and Regulations." This text link is located on the left side of the page.

  • Look for the "Licensing" heading, and click on "Testing and Preparation."

  • Click on the "Road Test," text link under the heading "Testing and Preparation."

  • Locate the blue box entitled "RELATED LINKS." Click on the "Road Test Scheduling" text link beneath the heading.

  • Enter the required information in the text boxes, and click on "Sign In." Follow the instructions on this page to reschedule your appointment.