How to Brake Smoothly

You can easily become lazy or absentminded when driving a car. Contemporary cars and trucks typically have antilock breaking systems (ABS). This technology has greatly enhanced automobile safety; at the same time, however, it has contributed to making smooth and careful braking a lost skill. Drivers take for granted that the car's ABS will protect them in a possible emergency. However, learning good driving and braking technique is an essential skill for all drivers.

  • Depress the pedal smoothly and gradually. Never stamp on the pedal unless you are in an emergency situation. Depress the pedal rapidly but not instantly. Pushing the pedal down gradually brings the tires just shy of breaking traction.

  • Gradually ease up on the pedal as the speed of the vehicle begins to decrease. This motion allows the brakes to operate at maximum efficiency.

  • Press down with your left foot on the footrest as you apply the brake with your right foot to stabilize your body and allow yourself better control of the brake with your right foot.

  • Avoid braking and turning at the same time, which causes the vehicle to become less controllable than it should be.

  • Avoid becoming overreliant on the vehicle's antilock braking system (ABS). The ABS system is designed to protect your vehicle in an emergency situation by preventing the wheels from locking. Locked wheels can result in skidding and a loss of control.