Road Safety Rules

According to Science Daily, more than 6 million accidents involving motor vehicles occurred in the United States in 2007 alone, resulting in the deaths of over 41,000 people and injuries in 2.5 million additional individuals. Sobering data like that is a great motivator to practice diligent, safe driving while navigating the numerous roadways worldwide.

Get Licensed

  • There's a reason why a valid license is required to operate most motor vehicles. Completing the process ensures drivers know the rules of the road and how to follow them.

Stay Alert

  • People operating vehicles, including bicycles, should avoid doing so when sleepy or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the three things most likely to inhibit mental awareness, response control and reaction time.

Follow the Speed Limit

  • Doing things faster can directly contribute to missing important details and making more mistakes. Honor the speed limit, especially in school and elderly zones, to avoid related accidents.

Watch the Road

  • Driving is not the time to multitask and let your mind wander. Pay close attention to the road you're traveling on, as well as other drivers nearby.

Wear a Seatbelt

  • Whether driving or just a passenger in either the front or back seats, properly using a seat belt helps prevent or lessen injuries in the case of an accident.