How to Drive On The Highway

Driving on the highway can in some ways, be easier than driving on main roads, because there are no obstacles to stop you, such as traffic lights, stop signs, and pedestrian crosswalks. It can also be very dangerous if you do not follow the rules of the highway, safely. Most highways have three lanes, the right lane, middle lane and left lane. They also have signs in which tell you where you are going and also have signs that tell you the speed limit.

Things You'll Need

  • safety
  • car
  • If you are a new driver, it is always best to use the right lane as the cars on this lane go at or below the speed limit. This lane also is used to make it easier to get off the highway and or reach the breakdown or shoulder lane quicker.

  • The middle lane is used mostly for longer trips and for people who go at moderate speed. Most people use this lane as the lane to be on the highways.

  • The left lane is also used for longer trips and for people who seem to go above the speed limit on highways. They usually are not going to get off anytime soon, and usually do not need to change lanes.

  • The shoulder lane or breakdown lane, is the lane used for emergency purposes. It can also be used if your car breaks down or you need medical assistance. It is usually located on the right side, near the right lane.