How to Make a Car Spin

Learning to control your car in a spin is important if you drive in places that get a lot of rain, snow and ice. Practice spinning your car in a secure, empty area so you're familiar with how it feels. This way, you can learn to control the spin without endangering other drivers. Follow these steps to spin safely.

  • Accelerate your car to a speed you're comfortable with. Stomp on the brakes and turn your steering wheel hard to one side. Your car will spin accordingly. The faster you go, the more severe the spin will be. Speed up as you start to feel comfortable with the process.

  • Continue the spin by keeping the car wheel turned to one direction and your foot on the gas. Your car will start to spin in continuous circles.

  • Practice spinning your car by keeping your foot on the accelerator instead of braking. Turn into the spin to control it, turn out of it to return your car to its original position.

  • Spin your car in a variety of conditions, like on snow or on water. Turn into the spin and avoid the brake in slippery weather conditions, as it hampers your ability to steer your car.

  • Create a burnout scenario by fully applying the brake to stop the car while you apply as much gas as necessary to spin the back tires.