How to Make a Car Emergency Kit for Winter

What You'll Need
  • Mobile or pre-paid emergency phone and car charger
  • Emergency flares
  • Flashlight
  • Emergency blankets
  • Extra Warm clothing
  • One or two books to pass the time
  • Small games for children
  • Non-perishable snacks
  • Bottled water
  • small first aid kit
  • Car tools
  • Storage unit

Traveling in winter can be a hazardous undertaking, therefore prepare a car emergency kit in case of need. Weather can change suddenly and unforeseen circumstances, like an unexpected break down or bad weather conditions, can leave you stranded in some cold desolate spot with no immediate help in sight. To counter this situation which, in the worst case scenario, can even lead to loss of life, a car emergency kit can minimize the danger and help you through as you wait for help to arrive.

    Step 1 - Storage

    The above list may look bulky for storage but you will only need items for a few hours so there is no need to overload in quantity. It is best to put everything in a large canvas bag or a medium-sized plastic container and leave it in the well of the car or the trunk; however keep in mind that if the trunk becomes damaged you might not be able to open it.

    Step 2 - Call for Help

    The first thing to do is to charge your emergency phone and call for help. Regardless of the weather, it is a good idea to become a member of some roadside assistance company which provides towing whenever your car breaks down. The emergency flares will help them find you quickly and the flashlight will help you orient yourself if you have stopped in an unlighted area.

    Step 3 - Warm Blankets and Other Clothing

    Emergency blankets are light and warm and inexpensive and will help keep you warm and orientated. Include some mittens or gloves, scarves and woolen hats to avoid heat loss. These items can be stored separately in a plastic bag.

    Step 4 - Book(s), Games, Snacks and Water

    A book will help you pass the time and calm your nerves; a crossword puzzle book will also keep you from fretting and getting anxious because of your situation. If you travel a lot with kids, don’t forget to store some of their games to keep them calm and occupied. They will relish some sweet snack, and nuts and popcorn are everyone’s favorites. Besides bottle drinking water, don’t forget to keep a large bottle of water for the car in case you need to replenish the battery’s cells.

    Step 5 - First Aid Kit

    The first aid kit should include some wet wipes, plasters, burn cream, eyewash and disinfectant besides some pain killers like aspirin for minor accidents. If someone is badly hurt, do not treat but wait for professional help to arrive.

    Step 6 - Car Tools

    Make sure you have some wrenches, screwdrivers and booster cable for the battery, should it die on you. Duct tape is also very handy to fix a broken windshield, or pick up scattered glass.

    In cold freezing weather it is best not to venture outside the car as you can suffer heat loss in just a few minutes, but if you have to, make sure every inch of skin is covered.

    It is a good idea to get the weather forecast before you start any journey, so you won’t get caught unprepared. If the weather is going to be bad, postpone your trip. Nothing in life is worth more than your health and safety.