Myths and Facts about Drinking and Driving in California

According to a report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2008, the State of California ranked number two in the list of states with highest number drunk driving-related fatalities, with 1,269 deaths recorded.
Surely, being on the second spot of such list is something not to be proud of; therefore, particular steps must be considered before drinking alcohol.

Certain drivers in California believe in some myths regarding drinking and driving, and unfortunately, the end result is often tragic. A line should be drawn between myths and facts in order to prevent drunk drivers from causing a California car accident.

The following are the most common misconceptions regarding driving under the influence of alcohol:

Myth 1: Even if you are drunk and sleepy, coffee can take care of you.

Fact: The caffeine in coffee may keep a drunk driver awake; however, it cannot solve a driver’s decreased driving skills, performance, mental alertness, and body coordination.

Tip: It would be best to refrain from driving when you are drunk even if you have consumed coffee because there is a great possibility that you may get involved in a California car accident.

Myth 2: I only consumed beer and not a hard drink, I’ll be fine.

Fact: According to experts, a 12-ounce beer has as much alcohol content as a 1.5-ounce whiskey or 5-ounce of wine.

Tip: If you had a drink of beer, it is highly-advisable to assign a designated driver, in such way you may be assured that you will get to your destination safely.

Myth 3: Rolling the window down to get some fresh air and turning the radio on will do the trick.

Fact: Cool air or loud music cannot solve a driver’s problems about alertness, attentiveness, body coordination, and decision-making skills.

Tip: You may opt to wait until you become sober before driving. However, if you really need to go immediately, you may ask someone to drive you to your destination.

Myth 4: I am drunk but I can still go home safely by driving slowly.

Fact: According to studies, a non-speeding vehicle is more likely to cause pedestrian accidents. Alcohol impairs a driver’s reaction time; hence, a drunken motorist may be prone to causing various types of road mishaps, like pedestrian accidents.

Tip: Do not drive. Do not wager your life. If you believe that you are going to consume alcohol, it would be best not to bring your vehicle; instead, you may intend to ride a public transportation like taxi cabs.