How to Reset the Check Engine Light on the 2000 Acura 3.5RL

For all 2000 model year Acuras, the check engine light is part of the vehicle's second generation on-board diagnostic computer. The OBD-II system became universalized in 1996, by order of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Resetting the system requires an OBD-II handheld device, which is commonly referred to as a code reader or a scanner.

Things You'll Need

  • OBD-II handheld scanner
  • Set up a connection between your OBD-II handheld scanner and the Acura's diagnostic system. Connect the handheld's cable with the Acura RL's Data Link Connector, which can be found beneath the dash near the left kick panel.

  • Switch your OBD-II handheld device on by either pressing the power button or letting the device switch itself on. All brands of OBD-II diagnostic handhelds are slightly different, so it is always for the better that you defer to the exact instructions found in the user's manual.

  • Place the key into the RL's ignition, turn to "On," and start the RL's electrical system. Some brands of diagnostic hardware also require the engine to be running.

  • Scan the Acura's OBD-II system, if your handheld is not preset to automatically do so. Press the appropriate buttons for a "scan" or "read" command, as detailed in your OBD-II scanner's manual.

  • Scroll through the codes on scanner's screen once they have been pulled from the OBD-II system. Ignore all codes listed with a "pending" status. These malfunctions have not triggered the Acura RL's check engine light. Make note of each trouble code.

  • Select each trouble code and press the "erase" or "clear" button.

  • Turn off all the running systems in the Acura RL. Disconnect the handheld from the RL's DLC outlet.

  • Wait a couple of minutes and then turn the RL's engine on again. Look at the check engine light. It should be dark.