How to Replace the Power Window Motor on a 1993 Oldsmobile Ciera

How to Replace the Power Window Motor on a 1993 Oldsmobile Ciera

The 1993 Oldsmobile Ciera was manufactured from 1982 through 1996. In the final year of production, the cars dropped the Cutlass name and were known simply as Oldsmobile Ciera. When your power window motor goes out it can be a big hassle. It can also be costly to have professionally repaired by a mechanic. Why not save money and do this task yourself. It will give you a learning experience as well as the feeling of an accomplishment.

Things You'll Need

  • New power window motor assembly
  • Wide screwdriver
  • Putty knife
  • Good contact adhesive
  • 4-inch grinder
  • 10 mm socket
  • 1-inch piece of wire
  • Black marker
  • Rivet gun
  • Drill
  • Start the process of replacing the power window motor by removing the door panel. To do this, you need to take out all the visible screws that hold the arm rest and everything in place first. With the use of a putty knife or a wide screwdriver, pry off the door panel carefully by pulling toward you. This will expose the whole power window mechanism that you are replacing.

  • Unscrew the power window control switch and the lock control rods next. With these out of the way, you can carefully lift off the plastic weather protection shield. Make sure that you do not tear it as you will need to replace this later with a good contact adhesive. Manipulate the motor and the lift mechanism freely. It is a good idea to take notes so that you can easily remember how things go back together.

  • Use a 4-inch grinder to knock out the two rivets that hold the motor and regulator assembly to the door. Do the same to the two rivets that hold the track and window guide in place. These rivets can be found closer to the rear of the door. Be careful not to grind through the metal of the door. Once the rivets are out of the way, you can safely remove the power supply from the motor.

  • Loosen the two cap screws that hold the lift bracket to the bottom glass channel with the use of a 10 mm socket. Do not unscrew all the way. Hold the window in the closed position by looping the piece of wire over one of the cap screws and fastening the other end through one of the holes at the top of the door. This will ensure that the glass window stays in place, in one piece.

  • Get the seat belt anchor out of the way. You can do this by flexing the V-shaped track guide little by little until it is free from the door panel. This will allow you to manipulate the motor assembly until it breaks free from the door panel. Mark the spot where it used to rest with a marker so that you are sure that the new motor will be aligned in the correct position when you put it in. Fit the new motor assembly into the spot that you marked. With the rivet gun, attach the motor assembly back into place.