How to Replace a Fuel Filter in a Mazda6

The Mazada6 is a sporty car that rides like a sedan. Part of what separates the Mazada6 from other cars is its high performance. For the minimal cost of a fuel filter, the car can run at peak performance. The function of a fuel filter is to protect the delicate parts of the engine from dirt particles. It doesn't take much to clog a fuel injection system.

Things You'll Need

  • New fuel filter
  • Open-end wrench set
  • Screwdriver set
  • Cleaning rags
  • Take the fuel pump fuse out of the fuse box-this prevents gas from spraying upon disconnection of the fuel lines.

  • Select two open-end wrenches and remove the fuel filter fittings. You will need two wrenches because the fittings will be two different sizes.

  • Plan to use a cleaning rag to throw over the fuel lines to protect you from the spray of gas. Release of the pressure can cause a large spray of gasoline that can burn your skin and eyes.

  • Determine which wrench to turn counterclockwise and which will hold the filter in place. The banjo fitting is the special bolt you need to remove.

  • Slide the fuel line from the bolt and then repeat the disconnection on the opposite side of the filter.

  • Prepare the new filter for installation. Take it out of the box, make sure there are no cracks or dents and that the connection threads are smooth.

  • Undo the clamp that holds the fuel filter in place. Put the new filter in the old spot and tighten the clamp with a flat head screwdriver. Plug the fuel pump fuse back in and start the Mazada6.