Warning and servicing lights illuminate the Honda Element's instrument panel to alert you to malfunctions or to the vehicle's regular servicing needs. An On-Board Diagnostics computer (OBD) stores these codes for later retrieval via an OBD code scanner. An OBD code scanner is a handheld computerized device that you can purchase at any auto parts store. Most auto parts stores will loan you their scanners for the purpose of retrieving your error codes. But usually you can retrieve the error codes from your Honda Element right from your home garage.
Look for a hook-up port on the underside of the driver's dashboard. Make sure the port is the same size and shape as the OBD code-scanner connector. Plug the scanner into this port.
Put the key into the ignition and turn it to the "ON" position. This will turn on most code scanners. Select a command on the scanner such as "Read Codes" and wait while the scanner interfaces with the Element's computer.
Write down the alphanumeric trouble codes on a piece of paper. Some OBD scanners will give you the diagnosis right on the scanner's face. With other scanners you have to look up the code in the code scanner's manual.
Unplug the OBD code scanner and have your vehicle serviced or repaired based on the trouble code diagnosis.