Auto Insurance Claims: Multi-state Issues, car insurance statements, national insurance company

My wife and I both own cars titled and registered in Ohio, but we live in Alabama while she is in graduate school. We are looking to buy a new car and change our insurance policies. We are concerned about the location issues: we intend to keep our vehicles registered in Ohio until we make a permanent move (in about a year) but are worried about getting our insurance covered with an out-of-state registration, especially since our vehicles are currently registered with different addresses (we did not reside together in Ohio before she started school and we needed to be in Alabama). I don't see why a national insurance company wouldn't be able to handle our car insurance for cars registered in Ohio and renters insurance for Alabama, simply mailing the statements to our Alabama mailing address, but she claims that would need to mail our car insurance statements to the same addresses the cars are registered at.

Hi Justin,

Each insurance company is free to set it's own rules and regulation on having insurance with them. If your current company will not do this, then you will just have to shop around for one that will. Also you might try buying your renters insurance with a different company. That way there are no issues with your address. I'm not sure if you still have an address in OH, but that would certainly be a requirement to registering and insuring vehicles there. Just keep shopping. Someone will understand what you are trying to do.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh