Auto Insurance Claims: what do i do?, auto liability non permissive driver

My son took my car without my permission and scraped the corner of a parked car. I just got the insurance papers dropped off into my car. I had no idea this happened and dont know what to do. What will happen to me, my son and will my insurance cover the car hit atleast? My son has no liscense and i have a perfect driving recod.


Look at the definitions for "insured" and "family member" in your policy at the front and in the subparts for liability and collision. My reading of the ISO personal auto policy shows that your insurance would cover your car and the damage to the other car. However there may be an endorsement that excludes non named family members as drivers. It doesn't make sense that kids or teenage drivers would be covered since insurers want to know if there are any drivers other than your spouse. Ask your agent. If its just a bumper, you might be better to pay it without making a claim.