Auto Insurance Claims: liability car insurance, insurance company, insurance policy

what co I expect from my insurance company if my car caught on fire which it did last I get any reimbursement?

Hi Christopher,

If you have Comprehensive coverage on your vehicle, then you are covered for fire. In that case your insurance company will determine if the damage is repairable and if so will pay to repair your car less your deductible. If the insurance company determines the vehicle is a total loss, then they will determine the value of your car and will pay you that value less your deductible. You may also be entitled to the sales tax on that amount. You should start checking the market value of your car by going to Look for cars of the same year make and model. Locate 5 to 7 cars and average the values. This should give you at least a reasonable range for the value of your car. Then when the insurance company makes you an offer, you can determine if the offer is fair or not. If need be you can negotiate with your insurance company until a fair settlement is reached.

All of that assumes that you have comprehensive coverage on that vehicle on your insurance policy. If you do not have comprehensive coverage then your insurance company will not pay anything at all.  

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh