Auto Insurance Claims: really dont want my k5 blazer totalled, stop them from totaling!

Ok im just sick over this one. I bought a 78 chevy blazer with a 400 and it goes anywhere. Had it for a week and two days and an old man nailed the side of it and messed my passenger side from door back. And tore leaf spring popped tire and broke shock but the truck is a beast it can be fixed no frame bent or anything. And this old man I heard just totaled a car not to long ago and shouldn't be drivin. Well I had no problems with them takin responsibility but I am not wanting them to total it its my project I was gonna start and my dad had one when I was young. I didnt have to go to doc or get a rental and got the closest tow so im trying to keep it cheap so they wont total but if they try thats where im gonna flip cuz its hard to find em this good anymore believe me I been lookin. Also im not really sure but I think it has salvage title already. Can u help me out with some words of wisdom?

thanks matt

So Matt,

  The vehicle is yours, you can keep it and fix it even if they total it.  If you think it already has a salvage title, then that will definitely affect the value and I don't think you'll have a chance keeping them from declaring it a total.  The Blazer has a big following, and I'm no greenhorn in the vehicle value business, so I will say there is likely no way you will get a fair offer from a carrier unless they have a specialty appraiser like me on board.  They will decide the value of your vehicle, then they will deduct from that figure what the salvage is worth and give you the difference and the wrecked truck back if you agree to the amounts.  

   Bottom line is that you can't keep them from declaring it a total loss, but the truck is yours, period, they cannot take it from you.  You can look us up and we'll help you fish through your options and point you in the right direction so you don't get ripped.  Information is always free at Petty Details, LLC!
