Auto Insurance Claims: Preparing new car, must I insure it?

My current car is probably going to die sometime this year if not very soon, and I would like to get every penny out of it before it goes as I need it for work. But I would like to possibly purchase a new car to have ready for when that happens, but I can't afford to insure both cars at the same time. Is there a way to buy a car and just keep it in the driveway until the other dies and buy/transfer insurance at that time?

There is not an easy way that I am aware of to make that happen.  In almost every state, just owning the vehicle means you must insure it, whether you drive it or not.  The only exceptions I can think of without doing extensive state by state research are antiques and collectibles, where they allow you insure the vehicle for just special occasions, making it affordable.  In your case, I simply don't have a good answer for you.

Contacting an insurance agent in your area and posing the question to them may be beneficial.  They should be more familiar with exceptions and specifics regarding your scenario.