Auto Insurance Claims: Claim filed; dont have the deductible yet, sacrifice safety, insurance company

I filed a claim with my insurance company today for an accident I was in (and at fault). I don't have the $500 deductible at this time but am working towards coming up with it. My question is whether or not there is a time limit I have to come up with it before the claim is no good and the insurance will not cover the repairs.

Thank you,  


This is a general question requiring a specific answer. You need to ask your agent and how it applies to you.

What we as a repair shop would do is speak with the owner and ins company to see if we could help with deductible. The way we did it was completely legal and up front and everybody was OK with it. Sometimes it won't work, but most of the time it does.

For an example: Car comes in with front end damage. Needs hood, grille, radiator etc, but bumper has dent with not effect on safety. The insurance company will figure on a new or reman bumper at say $200. Well, if you are willing to live with the dent, that is $200 towards your deductible.

If you can save on the cosmetic end that does not sacrifice safety, there is usually not a problem.

Just a thought.
