Auto Insurance Claims: Hail Damage, Hail Damage, car damages

My vehicle was hit pretty good by a hail storm and I received a check made out to me and the lien holder.  Some of the dents are very small and the damage was mostly sustained on the roof.  I only want the roof of the vehicle repaired.  I don't care to get money back I just don't want to pay anything out of pocket since I have no intention of ever selling the vehicle. I spoke with a body shop and they insisted they must do everything on the estimate and recover the deductible.  Any advice as to how I could get the roof fixed only?

Hello Rick,

Well, sounds like you have your hands tied. The lien holder has rights as real owner and either you fix the car per insurance estimate or they will will not release their rights under the check.

If you take the check in and try to get their signature, they will apply the funds to the balance on your loan.

Please see:

You probably have your hands tied, but you want to talk to a local attorney to see if there is something you can do.

Good Luck