Auto Insurance Claims: Refusing to total out a vehicle, chevy silverado, comparable vehicle

We own a 2000 Chevy Silverado with 110K miles, clean  and in excellent condition prior to our accident. By the extent of the damage to the vehicle, we are fairly certain the insurance adjuster will want to total out the vehicle rather than have it serviced. I have a friend who told me that we can refuse the amount the insurance company considers FMV and ask for them to fix the vehicle or give us a comparable vehicle as a replacement. I do not want to take the FMV for the vehicle because I will not be able to purchase a truck in our condition for the FMV. Is this really an option? Can we refuse to take the "totaled" FMV value and demand the vehicle fixed or a comparable vehicle replacement? Thank you


This was the biggest problem we had in repairing insurance vehicles. The owner's friends. 99% of the time they had no clue as to what they were talking about, but the insured listened to them like they were the experts.

It got so bad that after talking to friends, the insured knew exactly what the thief had done to the car, how many there were, how fast they went, what they hit and on and on. Frankly, after 17 years of this, I just flat out got tired of it.

The insurance company can do what they want. It is up to them as to how they will handle your loss.

our situation is specific to you and the insurance company. Demanding things will get you less.

None of us makes out when our vehicle is in an accident. Sure, we may have lots of money in keeping it maintained and that will give you fair market rather than less. It does not matter if you just put $3K into the trans or engine. We never make out. Even in a court situation, you are only to be made whole, nothing better, nothing worse, however if you stuck in lots of bucks into the vehicle and it is totalled, you will most likely not recover.

I may not be telling you what you want to here, but unfortunately, that is the way it is.
