Auto Insurance Claims: loaned vehicle, pace arrow, acts of god

I own and insure an RV in California (1976 Pace Arrow...27 feet long self-contained camper).  
An unrelated person offered to watch the camper for 2 weeks whilst I'm away on a holiday trip, and he wants to use it, in exchange, to camp out.
Can we write an agreement that will protect both of us in case the unthinkable should happen?  e.g. having a wreck, some other damage to my camper?

Hi Jan,

I assume you have insurance on the RV that would take care of any damage. However, if you do not, of course you could write up an agreement with your friend. It should state that he is completely responsible for any and all damage resulting from his use, or while in his control of the vehicle except for acts of God. (that would be things like hail or flood, etc.)

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh