Auto Insurance Claims: Auto Settlement, usaa insurance, speedy reply

QUESTION: I was involved in an accident back in October of 2006.  I
was traveling on a highway that had driveways where people
could pull out into the suicide lane to get to other side
of the road.  Anyway, I was traveling 55 mph (the speed
limit)and an 85 year old man that should not have been
driving pulled out and I hit him.  Since, he did not stop
to look both ways it was his fault.  I do not remember this
accident at all.  Bottomline is I just wanted what was
fair.  I have USAA insurance and the party at fault had
State Farm.  USAA was just awful to deal with deuring this
whole ordeal.  I settled for a the tiny amount of 38k. When
I settled with State Farm they informed me that my medical
claims that USAA had provided only amounted to $10.5k  Now
this nuts because USAA was telling me it was around 25k.  
The odd thing about this whole thing is that USAA(my
insurance) paid fpor the entrie claim.  I am just wondering
if I have to pay them  back the full amount?I know this
sounds confusing, justed wondering what I have to pay back
so tat they ould get the cost back from me.  I am just
wondering if this is correct


You will have to pay back USAA, but you should only have to pay what they actually paid. Before you pay them anything or go any further with the claim, you should call USAA and demand that they provide you with a detailed written accounting of everything they paid including the amounts. Then do not pay them any more than they actually paid.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Mr. Hixenbaugh for the speedy reply! I received a
letter today from USAA stating that I need to pay them and
I am so mad because I would have asked for more money if I
would have known that State Farm lying to me! I do have a
letter from State Farm stating that USAA only paid 10.5k.
Do you think that if I sent 10.5k with the letter from
State Farm they would say okay? Also what if I do not pay
the full amount of 25k? Will they then sue me? Or just
cancel my coverage?  I guess I am just naive and want to
give everyone the benefit of the doubt.  I am just kicking
myself I did not just get a lawyer and get 6 figures!  I
never thought I would say that!

Hi LC,

You should call USAA and ask them to send you written documentation of what they paid out. You can tell them about the letter you received from State Farm. You should not pay them any money until they can prove what you owe them. Once you are satidfied on the amount you need to pay, then you can discuss what ever payment arrangements you want to make.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh